
Designated by the Florida Green Lodging Program


The Sea Cottages of Amelia just earned a Designation from the Florida Green Lodging Program!

Launched in 2004, the Florida Green Lodging Program is an initiative of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that designates and recognizes lodging facilities that make a voluntary commitment to conserve and protect Florida’s natural resources. The program’s environmental guidelines enable the hospitality industry to evaluate operations, set goals and take specific actions to continuously improve environmental performance.

The Sea Cottages were assessed and our score met the criteria for a One Palm designation. We will strive to earn even more Palms (bettering our score) by further committing to efforts to make the Sea Cottages as environmentally friendly as they can be by focusing on:

  1. Communication and education (customers, employees, public).
  2. Waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
  3. Water conservation.
  4. Energy efficiency.
  5. Indoor air quality

Thank you to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection!

To learn more, visit https://floridadep.gov/osi/green-lodging/content/about-florida-green-lodging-program
